Event Date and Time
Busboys and Poets in Hyattsville, Maryland

MLAW Program & BUSBOYS & POETS Presents: The News that Didn't Make the News: Project Censored on Corporate Media with Professor Steven Macek & Eleanor Goldfield of RADIO Program - “PROJECT CENSORED”

WED, OCTOBER 11, 2023, 7:00 PM
Busboys and Poets in Hyattsville, Maryland

With Spoken Word and Poetry from - JD the PROSE and Music by  - the Emory Diggs TRIO

$5.00 (Most appreciated)

UMD students can register in advance for travel to and from event from campus.

For information on the MLAW Program –bgilmore [at] umd.edu

https://twitter.com/mlawrules    https://mlaw.umd.edu

Event Description