Join Dr. Robert Koulish, Director of MLAW Programs and the author of "Crimmigrant Nations: Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders," for a conversation about “Law and Disorder at the Border.”
About Dr. Koulish
Robert Koulish is the founding director of Justice and Legal Thought and the director of MLaw Programs. Koulish is also a Joel J. Feller Research Professor in government and politics and lecturer at law at the UMD Carey School of Law, where he teaches a seminar on immigration law and policy.
Koulish is a strong believer in applied scholarship, referred to as action research. His own scholarship includes many articles and book chapters, and three books, of which the latest is "Crimmigrant Nations: Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders" (2020), with another on the way.
Koulish earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and his doctorate in political science from the University of Wisconsin. He has traveled and conducted research in Central Europe and along the U.S.–Mexico border, investigating human rights abuses, refugees, and patterns and practices of social control within legal institutions.