Event Date and Time
Stamp Student Union Atrium


MLAW is co-sponsoring an event with SGA, GSG, GLAO, and the Undergraduate Student Legal Aid Office about rights' awareness. The schedule is as follows:

February 16th - "Police Encounters"

Stopped by the police?  Find yourself in trouble?  Learn what to do and what not to do from Attorney William Salmond who has handled legal concerns of UMD students for nearly 40 years.

February 17th - "Academic Integrity"

Representatives from the Ombudsman Office, the Office of Student Conduct and Disability Support Services will share their expertise in a panel discussion about making informed decisions to avoid violations of the Code of Academic Integrity and encouraging your peers to do the same.

February 18th - "Code of Conduct and Title IX"

What happens if you are charged with a violation of the Code?  What is Title IX?  Get the facts from a panel comprised of representatives from the Office of Student Conduct, the Health Center and CARE.  They will discuss issues related to student conduct and sexual misconduct within the context of university policies.


Know your Rights Week